Foot Fetish Updates
Here, you can see my Foot Fetish Updates that I make, twice a week, in my Exclusive Members Area. These updates are updated every Wednesday and Saturday, so you can see all of the really exciting things that we are doing in our Huge Membership Library! We refresh the update log on the first of every month!
October 24, 2021 – Back again this spooky afternoon, in the process of uploading Zelda’s second foot worship movie. I think I might just have the one image gallery for look one, since look two was just another camera recording the action form a different angle.. We’ll see next weekend.
October 17, 2021 – Hey all, remastering the pages, basically just the roll overs. I’ll also be starting Zelda < I should not let my models pick their names, haha. worship set this late evening/early morning.
October 9, 2021 – You’ll notice that Krystal’s “Coming Soon” Promo is up! I’ll be getting to her around thanksgiving? Idk, I’m revamping my other two membership sites this fall, not doing directories, not for a minute. The traffic pisses me off. But that smile of hers, omfg! And there was a pool of her sweat off of the rubber foot hood, when I took it off. Her feet literally smelled like hot deviled eggs. Loved it and so will you! Tomorrow morning we start on Zelda, she’s a cutie!
October 5, 2021 – You’ll notice that the 4k Feet, Barefoot Archive and Deeper into Worship have some subtle design changes (buttons to different libraries on the models pages are remastered, padding on camera icon and new rollovers for the images. I will be going section by section and remastering as I add to the appropriate libraries. I’ll also be linking all of Vada’s pages before I bounce out this evening. Also will be putting up a teaser of Coed Goddess Krystal. I just took a screen grab of her for you all. (not color corrected) It’s gonna be a hot sensual fall here at HBF.
October 3, 2021 – So hey all, sorry I forgot to set the calendar with an extra day, since I moved my update day from Saturday to Sunday. Also going to be doing a double update today with Vada’s “Deeper into Worship” to end her latest library. We gotta start moving on talent, I already have updates until next Spring and you’re going to love all of them! Models that you’ve already seen, like Anya and maybe Pixie from years ago will be back, i’ll keep you updated on that. So next weekend, starting on Zelda’s worship media.
September 25, 2021 – Hi all, some speed optimizations tonight and getting Vada’s second PH shoot up tomorrow. All we have now is her “Deeper into Worship” set, then on to the next.
September 18, 2021 – Hey all, uploading Vada’s Pantyhosed, Look Two movie. Next week, those images from this movie goes up!
September 11, 2021 – What a grim anniversary to be updating. I’m not going to be doing images for Vada’s third movie. I just didn’t like the color hue and it’s a short one. So doing Vada’s Pantyhosed Images this evening. Also the GUI is a little more updated today. I like it.
September 6, 2021 – This is the month of fall, and fall is MY FAVORITE SEASON. haha. It’s a holiday, so let’s keep the good love vibes going with more 4k movies, shall we? Uploading Vada’s Pantyhose Look One as we speak, next weekend, we get back to uploading images for these sets.
August 29, 2021 – Ok, starting on Vada’s sheer pantyhose movies! Because of labor day, I’m visiting new friends, but I’ll be back on the 6th (actual labor day), with her 4k pantyhose set! << Ok nix all this for this week, I found a discarded clip I was on the fence about. I was going to think on it, but looking at it, yeah it’s good enough to go here. I hated the color hue, but yeah..
August 21, 2021 – Hey peeps, getting ready to build the second set of Vada’s barefoot images. You’ll also see if you download the movies, that the 1080p is rendered a big differently, resulting in much more crisp looking footage. Also my watermark has been blended to 10% from 15% opacity.
August 14, 2021 – Hey everyone, Vada’s 4k images look amazing. I am soooo happy that I upgraded camera’s. Just night and day imho. Anyway, enjoy them peeps, I finish off her barefoot set next weekend!
August 8, 2021 – One of the things that I’m noticing are that when HDR is enabled, like when Vada is laying on the couch for my POV look, her face goes to almost a “death pall” of color, which kinda sucks. I tried with the HDR off and it just looks worse. Even the lumetri scope looks all confused, as you can see below. Am I going to be nixing this camera? Absolutely not, just wanted to point it out, with my OCD ass, haha.
August 7, 2021 – So today is my birfffday, and I had an appendectomy yesterday, blah to that. I changed the music for Zelda, and let’s keep with the movie motif, shall we? Gonna start editing Barefoot Look Two of Vada.
July 31, 2021 – Starting to edit Vada’s barefoot footage, look one. It should be assembled, edited, color corrected and uploaded in the next couple of hours. This footage is delicious, btw! I love the new camera!
July 26, 2021 – I’ve faded my watermark on my downloadable movies to 15% from 25%. So hopefully that makes things look better.
July 24, 2021 – Uploading Vada’s second round of 4k image captures this morning. Next weekend, we start on her barefoot media, which is always a treat. I’ve got to render and upload the downloadables, so the buttons won’t be working until this evening fyi.
July 17, 2021 – Good evening peeps. Throwing up Look One of Empress Vada’s worship session with me. Next weekend, we finish her 4k worship image set. Up above, you will be seeing Zelda, an upcoming model after Empress Vada.
July 10, 2021 – Hey all, just did a shoot with a model named Zelda, and she is an interesting one! I’ll have a teaser of her up in the next couple of days. Look two of Vada’s worship movies are now on the tube. Next weekend, we start on her 4k foot worship images!
April 24, 2021 – Hey all, I just uploaded Steph’s worship movie, look two. Also just an FYI, I will be having Tehray (Empress Vada) back right after Steph, or at least that’s the plan for now. Happy Saturday!
April 17, 2021 – Greetings, I’ll actually be posting two new movies today. I had Lily over for a chance to test the new camera in 10 bit 4k HDR, running at 60 frames a sec. I’m really bummed about the wide angle, it kinda sucks. Pixelation all over the place. However, the main camera lens is just amazing as you will see. I’ll also be uploading Stephanie’s foot worship skit, look one. Steph’s shoot is with the old camera as well, btw. I’ll have the new camera working for every shoot after Steph, FYI. So my video will be changing from 8 bit to 10 bit and the true tone color will be replaced with HDR encoding. In short, the movies will look even more delicious!
April 10, 2021 – Hola everyone, I’ll be finishing up Lily’s library this evening and will be starting on Stephanie’s set next week!
April 3, 2021 – Happy Easter Everyone! Asymptomatic for now, thank God. That being the case, uploading Lilly’s first Pantyhose 4k image set this evening. Next week, we finish her pantyhose library and get started on Miss Lee!
March 24, 2021 – Sick with an episode until last night, so sorry everyone. Putting up Lilly’s second 4k Pantyhosed Movie this evening!
March 13, 2021 – Hey all, Lily’s barefoot movies will be downloadable in an hour or so. Also uploading her pantyhose, look one 4k movie this evening. It will be up late.
March 7, 2021 – Because Lily’s second barefoot movie is so long (almost 1/2 hour), the images with this update is quite substantial, fyi. See you all Sat!
February 27, 2021 – Lily’s second worship page is now online. As always, you can click the look two link on the right of her worship page ?
February 16, 2021 – Lily’s second movie is up! Please enjoy this full length release. Saturday, we get started on her 4k images!
February 10, 2021 – Putting up Lily’s first barefoot movie this evening. Give me a bit to get it edited and uploaded. Saturday, we upload her second barefoot movie!
February 6, 2021 – Hey all, Lily’s worship movies are now all downloadable. I am not doing an image set for the go pro, because although I’m cool, more or less with the video quality, I am not with the images. On Wed, we get started with Lily’s barefoot set, with her 4k barefoot movies!
February 3, 2021 – Late update tonight of Lily’s 4k image set of Worship, Look One. Saturday, we finish her worship series with 4k images from Look Two!
January 30, 2021 – Back to the old update schedule, since the remaster is done. Getting ready to start editing Lily’s 2nd foot worship movie, then on Wed, we get into her images.
January 26, 2021 – Ok, so I made a dent in correlating the tube pages to the models. I should be done with Autumn and Lily tonight. Saturday, Lily’s foot worship image set, look one goes up!
January 24, 2021 – Hey all, had another episode with my stomach, so I’ve been down for a couple of days, so planning on coming back and updating Tuesday. Depending on how it goes, will dictate how much i’ll be able to update. I’m really hoping I can finish Autumn’s library and move on to Lily’s set. Hope you are all well!
January 17, 2021 – Hi, Erin is remastered and Bella will be by this evening. Tuesday, Autumn should also be remastered, which means that Saturday, I’ll continue with Lily Craven’s new content.
January 12, 2021 – Hey all, getting started on revamping the Mona library and just like that, we are 1/2 way done with Series 4! Saturday will be Erin and Bella getting revamped and then there will be one.
January 9, 2021 – Getting ready to plug in Anya and Everly’s shoots with downloadable movies of them. Mona is up next and that will be on Tues. So just like that, Series 4 is already 1/2 way remastered. Hope you are all well!
January 6, 2021 – Wow, 2021, welcome to the Dystopia my friends. I’m still alive, after being asymptomatic for a month and a half, my gastritis is all shades of messed up since the 1st actually. God willing, I should hopefully be asymptomatic on Sat and I will start the short renovation of Series Four, before getting back to new foot models.
December 26, 2020 – Hey all, hope you had a nice christmas. I’ll be finishing up Aurora this evening, which means that Series Three is officially remastered! WOOT! I’m taking Tuesday off because I am just beat. However, i’ll be back on Saturday, to get started on Series Four, which will go quickly, since the pages are already formatted.
December 22, 2020 – Getting started on Holly this evening. I expect to be done with Series Three by the next update on Saturday.. WOOT!!!! Reformatting Series Four will be easy breezy since much of it is already formatted. I’ll basically just be adding the downloadable movies, which will take less than 1/2 a week. And then.. Finally.. New Goddesses and New content!
December 18, 2020 – Getting started remastering on Tehray, Part Two this evening. She’s gonna take a couple of days though, because of the sheer amount of content I’ve got to go through, but Tuesday she’ll be downloadable. I plan on getting started on Holly’s most recent shoot and then there will only be two to go!
December 15, 2020 – …Getting started on Kristen’s remaster today. By Saturday, I hope to be around Holly. Wish me luck!
December 12, 2020 – …Evie’s done, on to Cj!
December 10, 2020 – …So as you all can tell, I’m averaging about one model a day, with the redesign and making movies downloadable. So in a couple of weeks or so, I should be done with the remaster and continuing on with Lilly Craven.
December 8, 2020 – Starting on Allison this evening. Besides Tehray (Empress Vada), Allison has some of the stinkiest feet that are on the site. So she’ll always have a special place in my heart. Then Brianna Blu in a couple of days. This weekend, Evie and Cj are getting brought up to speed!
December 6, 2020 – Found a set of Lauren G that never went up, it’s in the Series Two library now, or you can see it HERE! Rochelle also has a set that never went up, that will also be in the barefoot area of Series Two, i’ll have that up tomorrow!
December 5, 2020 – Finishing Tehray this evening, updatng Allison in 4k and Brianne Blu next!
December 4, 2020 – If you are checking out any of my 4k sets, please refresh Vi’s, Autumn’s and Tehray’s pages. I’m updating them now, and I’m updating the pages from the bottom up.
December 1, 2020 – Into the site tonight, going as fast as I can, to get these girls portfolio’s updated. That being said, I am also converting the image zip files from png to jpg. So instead of having to download 600 – 900 mb zips, they will be more in the line of 100 – 200 mb. And that’s taking a bit longer than I thought. So a heads up on that. On the other hand, there really aren’t a crapload of sets that need to be updated at this point. I should be able to do 4 – 5 models a week. I’m going to see how it goes. Also moving all 4k – 29.97 fps movies from the archives to the “4k Feet” “Worship” and “Pantyhose” libraries… makes sense.
November 28, 2020 – Ok, so I’m going to start adding movies from the 4k 30fps library to the tube and encoding the downloadable ones as well. Once that is all done, then I’ll start reworking the pages!
November 25, 2020 – Hey everyone, getting started on editing as we speak! Series Two is done, woot! Now as stated before, I’m going to refresh the 4k pages, I’m just done with video remastering for the year. This should take a couple of weeks, as I need to convert to downloadable video. The 4k downloadable movies will be at 1080p, btw. I will be recreating 4k pages on the tube, because I want everything in order. I don’t want 4k in the back and the oldest movies in the front. Finally I will be combining the Series three sets on the same main page, just like how Series 4 is. So that’s what I have on tap on Saturday. Happy Holidays and Turkey Day tomorrow!
November 21, 2020 – Doing updates now and again late this evening. I’ll have Holly revamped up and Misha’s barefoot movie up when it’s all said and done. Tuesday, I’ll have Misha finished and Sasse done and revamped as well, God willing, that’s it for now!
November 16, 2020 – Getting over another bout of sickness, apologies, getting started on Holly this evening! This weekend, I hope to have Misha going as well!
November 7, 2020 – Good evening, fellow footies. Well Biden will be president, eh? I’m personally happy about that one. I’ll be re indexing Maddison this evening. I forgot how sexy she is and she looks absolutely stunning remastered! Next week, Holly and Misha are up next, then one more to go!
November 3, 2020 – I’ll have Evie downloadable by this evening, so I can watch this shit show of an election, haha. So like 6 pmish? I’ll have Maddison up by Sunday at the latest. I’m not editing too heavy with these girls, so you can get more of a sense of who they are, but also not enough to be annoying. ..Fine line right there with fetishistic erotica.
November 2, 2020 – So Evie and Maddison are getting remastered this week, I am actually starting to re edit the video this evening. They will be downloadable, remastered and redesigned by the weekend!
October 27, 2020 – I was planning on remastering the 4k/30fps video as well, but I am getting burned the fuck out. And there are new girls that I want to upload for the holidays, so I’m going to finish Series Two and leave it at that until next year. Probably around this time of year too. So by Thanksgiving I plan on finishing Lily Craven’s set as well as starting on the cute blonde above! So that’s the plan until the end of the year.
October 24, 2020 – I’ll be putting up remastered video, as well as pages for Alice and Allison this evening. Hope all of you pandemic weary footies are doing well!
October 12, 2020 – Anna, TC, Sabina and others now are properly indexed on the tube under “Foot Model Directory” as well as them being properly tagged now. Also “Coed Feet” under the tube is no longer a tag, it is a category.
September 26, 2020 – Well because of my recent health drama and going back to work, I’m going to be finishing my remaster as I have time. I’ll still be working on updates twice a week, only difference is that I won’t be able to spend all day on them like I was this spring and summer. Will the end time of the remaster be later than expected then? Yes it will, but I want it to be done right. You all deserve that, as do the girls.
September 26, 2020 – Went back to work this week, so remastering two girls tonight and tomorrow, so we’ll be to Alice. By the end of Tuesday’s update, we’ll be to Evie. It is kinda hard for me to re edit Alice. She died earlier this year at the age of 29, way too young for someone like her to go.
September 22, 2020 – Well I’m to Stoney, in Series Two, by the time that things are done uploading. This weekend, I should be to Allison after Saturday and a week after next Saturday, We should be done with Series Two and moving on to Series 3!
September 19, 2020 – …well I wasn’t back at shit. Fucking a, this whole thing sucks. Getting sick, pretty much every month on the dot. Idk what’s going on. All clear at the doctors and feel fine now. I’m taking it easy, however today, and going to Rachel Ravaged, I hope to get her and be to Stoney by Wed morning.
September 12, 2020 – Blah, sick as a dog today, will be back at it tomorrow!
September 8, 2020 – The remastered movies are not going to be the same length, sometimes they will be shorter or longer, this is because editing now, as the person I am and not 5 – 8 years ago, I’m just cutting out stupid shit, like not cutting when I’m changing angles, talking, etc. Also the color is much more pronounced now whereas before, I just oversaturated the shit out of the footage. With series two, and the old canon t5i that I had, “variable white balance” is an issue when remastering, so the movies aren’t as bright and oversaturated as they were, allowing for more detail with the shoot overall. I’ll be to Volpix Angel by the end of Saturday..
September 5, 2020 – Finishing off Bridgette’s revamp, and will be at Gothic Jessica by the end of next week! Which will mean that we’ll be just about 1/2 way through Series Two!
September 1, 2020 – September, just wow, time has gone faster this year and these times are troubling as I continue revamping my girls as part of the Version 5 update. I hope to be to Mia St Clair when this evening is all said and done.
August 29, 2020 – I found a previously un released movie of Amber with her toenails painted bright red. Looking to have Autumn and Rochelle done by late this evening.
August 25, 2020 – Amber will be going up today and I’ll get getting started on Autumn as well. You’ll notice that some sets will be going away from the main pages, that’s because I’ve added them as sub pages. No point in having multiple sets of the same girls on the front pages, so I’m trimming it up to make room for the hundreds more models that I am planning on putting up in the coming years.
August 22, 2020 – We’ll be moving on to Series Two this evening! Not bad for 3 weeks of updates. I hope to have Series Two complete and movies downloadable by mid September.
August 18, 2020 – I’ll be combining Sophia’s sets into Series One, FYI. I also have an old Sabina Leigh clip that I’m also going to be putting up this weekend, to finish Series One. Just started working on re coloring video with her and she’s got alot of content. It will be up as fast as possible!
August 15, 2020 – Well Series One is, for the most part done. Working on Sophia’s stuff right now and will have the rest of the girls pages up before I’m done here tonight.
August 11, 2020 – …So we’re supposed to get hit by a fucking mini asteroid later this week, so that’s fab. I’m just doing some prelim stuff before I start back on video remasters today. The updates will be early Wed morning stuff, I plan on cutting movies today and framing them and updating pages after Diana goes to bed. Because she’s coming over for a date, but she knows the hell I’ve unleashed by deciding to remaster my entire fucking library. So word. I hope you are all well!
August 9, 2020 – I got sick again, the day before my birthday. Puking my ass off, couldn’t even hold down water. Crazy nausea, stomach cramping and dizzy as hell. That lasted 3 days, came out of it yesterday. Doing blood work next week, but like the doctors said, it’s most likely due to general anxiety because of the pandemic, bullshit government stuff and the media in general just pouring the doom and gloom on every second it seems. This country is hard on people as it is. So sorry about that, I’ll be here for most of the night working and catching up!
August 4, 2020 – …Back in the day I used “hot lights”, and boy am I ever sorry that I ever did that with the editing. The remastered footage is much richer with correct color tones. But the flip side of that coin is that there will be some yellow tinges here and there. Because of those fucking hot lights, haha. This will be a late update, just now uploading video.
August 1, 2020 – Where has the year gone. It’s been a spiritually draining year, with the pandemic and dumb fuck now wanting to delay the election to get him the fuck out.. oy vey. One of the reasons why I threw on some Alan Parson’s down below. Time. I’m going to need alot of that. Remastering and recutting all of this footage is going much slower than I anticipated. So I’m doubling up now on updates, and pausing Lily Craven until it’s done. I have a shitload of footage from her as well as the update after her. So for most of today until about 6, I’ll be re publishing pages. I hope to have 2/3 of Series One done by this evening and finished Tuesday. That’s my goal, it’s out to the universe and here I go 😉
July 28, 2020 – What a walk down memory lane and how much I sucked when I was getting started. Porsche will be the first remastered page, along with her downloadable video. If you want to check out the new look, go to Her Page. Now I have a big faded watermark on the downloadable video. It is only to stop piracy. It’s ridiculous at this point. And if I don’t make money, I have to close and fuck that. So sorry, but I made it as faded as possible in addition to the standard watermark. You’ll also see “outtakes” now as well. Just a deeper look into who these chicks are in real life. I hope to have 1/3 to 1/2 of Series One done by tonight, we will see. Also this remastered video has been color corrected via lumetri scope and color graded, digitally sharpened and denoised. I am recutting the footage and editing it as they were new talent. And the end result is really night and day. It’s crazy how far technology and video editing software has come. Specifically Premiere Pro, as that is where I cut and produce my footage. Last thing, I’m, rezipping the images from that godawful png format to jpg. So files will be much, much smaller. Here’s a side by side comparison of the remastered video so far. The color is much richer with correct hue’s. I also opened up the data rate for better overall quality.
July 25, 2020 – I haven’t forgotten about my update, I just hate the way it looks. I’ll be here working for the rest of the morning, so it will be in within the hour!
July 25, 2020 – ..Well, what do you think of the new place? The core has been updated, so you should be surfing a little over twice as fast as you were before. I am going to start using Tuesday’s to dedicate to remaster video day. This will take a couple of month’s, I’m not gonna lie, as you all know, I have hundreds of movies I need to remaster, but the remasters will be color corrected to the latest spec and as the pages get done, you will now have download links to the movies in 540p. Sorry for the diminished sizes, but …Piracy :/ As far as remastering order, I’ll be starting with Porsche. I will be working on the site all through tonight. I have a shoot with a new model this afternoon and will have her teaser up top by tonight as well as Lily’s first movie up by tonight! After Lily is up, I’m going to go to all weekly updates being dedicated to getting the remasters done and the downloadable movies for all of you linked. When I’m finished, the next model up above, Michelle, will be on tap. Boy is she a pretty one, just coming into the age of her MILF days.
July 21, 2020 – We are ending Autumn’s library today with her look two pantyhose image set. This weekend, we start on Big Tit MILF Pornstar Lily Craven! Also big news, this fall, I will be starting on remastering all of the old video. Some of the color correction is kinda horrible. I’ll be fixing all of that as well as redesigning the site. It will be a version 5 update.
July 18, 2020 – I am uploading Autumn’s look two pantyhose movie this evening, please enjoy it!
July 14, 2020 – Hey, I am making Autumn’s page as we speak. The images of her in sheer nude pantyhose just look fucking great! This weekend, we start to finish off her library with her Pantyhosed Look Two movie going up!
July 11, 2020 – Hola everyone! I’m starting to cut Autumn’s Pantyhosed, Look One movie. It will be up in the next 1.5 hours. Hope everyone is well!
July 09, 2020 – Major Tube Update Today! I have re-added the slow motion functionality to the movies, just click the timer icon on the bottom right of the menu bar, just to the left of the full screen icon and you’ll be set! Also the interface is revamped and faster loading time at the core! So please head on over, check it out and re-enjoy some of your favorite foot movies!
July 07, 2020 – Autumn’s Look Two barefoot images are going up now, give me about an hour to make the page. This weekend, we get started on her Pantyhose Library!
July 04, 2020 – Happy 4th of July, folks! I’ll have Autumn’s 4k movie from Look Two of her barefoot Series up, later this evening! Be safe, socially distance and all of that jazz!
June 30, 2020 – Uploading Autumn’s Barefoot Look One images as we speak. This weekend, we get back to her delicious 4k movies!
June 27, 2020 – An early morning to you all. Ok the image sets are up and I am editing the first of Autumn’s barefoot movies as we speak. Look One will be up shortly!
June 24, 2020 – Hey, sorry for not updating last weekend, anxiety and stomach problems. At least it’s not a whole week anymore. I’ll be back on Saturday with a triple update folks, to make up for it!
June 16, 2020 – Just uploaded Autumn’s first series of images. Looking back on recent updates, I totally spaced finishing Bella’s second image set of the worship session, so I’ll be doing that Saturday, then back to Autumn on Tuesday.
June 13, 2020 – How about another movie this evening? Cool, uploading the conclusion of Worshipping Autumn this evening. Tuesday, and this will be a super late update, I’ll have 4k images up of Sweat Clinic, Look One, as well as a sneak peek at Lily Craven.
June 10, 2020 – Look One 4k video of Autumn’s foot worship is going up as we speak. I’m shooting busty pornstar Lily Craven on Monday and will be switching out the video teaser above with a taste of Lily for July!
June 5, 2020 – Shoot got pushed till Tuesday because we are under curfew. Doing my work is the only thing that’s keeping me sane right now. So i’ll have Autumn’s first movie up late, and I mean late Tuesday evening/early Wednesday morning. Also confirmed Porsche. It’s been over 3 years since I have worked with her. Got alot of hotties booked right now, 4 new girls and shoots so far. Gonna try to get enough content for the year, this summer. So i’ll be beck early next week. Be careful out there.
May 26, 2020 – Finishing up Bella’s pantyhose content late this evening. Now we wait for models. Next update will be on the 6th of June.
May 23, 2020 – Happy Memorial Day Weekend folks! I’m going to start editing Bella’s last pantyhose movie with us in a bit. Hope you are all being safe and wearing your mask 😉
May 19, 2020 – Uploading Bella’s Look Two images this early morning. This weekend, we start the last movie in her series.
May 16, 2020 – Bella’s first Pantyhose movie should be online within the next hour. On Tuesday, we get started on her 4k image captures!
May 12, 2020 – Uploading Bella’s Barefoot Look Two images this evening. This weekend, we get started on her Sheer Pantyhose media.
May 9, 2020 – Server maintenance day, keeping those speeds ridiculously fast for butter smooth streaming! Also check out the “News” up and to the right, I’ve updated that as well! Back to updating on Tuesday!
May 2, 2020 – I’Il have Bella’s 4k images going up from her first barefoot movie this evening! On Tuesday, we get started on her second barefoot tease, so stay tuned!
April 28, 2020 – I’ve decided against capturing the Hood Mask Test images, since it was a test run and there just isn’t really that typical passion and the lights were kinda gonzo in that one, so tonight, we start her barefoot movies! This weekend, we will be doing images for this one!
April 25, 2020 – Tonight’s movie is the debut of my new mask, foot fetish sweat hood. Had to custom order it, but it makes women’s feet extremely hot and delicious. So there’s that.
April 22, 2020 – Putting the finishing touches on Bella’s 4k captures, they will be up in the next couple of hours. This weekend, we get into her final foot worship movie.
April 18, 2020 – Uploading Bella’s first look one of her foot worship movie series. It’s a pretty long one, and I was a bit lax on editing towards the end. Some have requested that I don’t cut the audio all of the time, when I’m bullshitting with the model, so whoever you are, this one is for you!.
April 14, 2020 – On the spot update this week, peeps. Uploading Erin’s final pantyhose set this early morning. I’ll be honest, I’m fucking around with color a little bit. So it might look um.. a bit saturated. Working out the kinks as we speak. None of you complained about the video, so I figured the slight color shift was acceptable for this one. This weekend, we start with Bella, with my shit together, color wise! 😉
April 10, 2020 – I got the stomach flu, holy crap, I was so sick, I was hallucinating. Doing Erin’s first set of 4k pantyhose images this evening. Tuesday, we will be finishing her up with her second Sheer Pantyhose 4k image set, then Bella starts uploading next weekend.
April 4, 2020 – Uploading Erin’s second pantyhose movie this evening. On Tuesday, we get started on her 4k Pantyhose image set, Look One!
March 31, 2020 – I have Erin’s first pantyhose movie going up this afternoon. This weekend, look two of her pantyhose series will be up!
March 28, 2020 – I have Erin’s second image set going up this evening, please allow time for the server upload! Hope you are all sheltering in place comfortably! I’ll be back on Tuesday to start off her Pantyhose library with new video!
March 22, 2020 – Have Erin’s first image set going up today. Later this week, i’ll have her second image set up. Sadly, I was not able to worship this one’s feet, so we start on her pantyhose set after her barefoot images are complete.
March 17, 2020 – Tube issue is fixed, thank God. I also just uploaded Erin’s second barefoot movie, brand new, this evening. I’ll be back on Saturday, uploading her 4k barefoot videocaptures from Look One. Everyone take care, with these crazy times that we are living in. Just WOW! ..Sorry I’ve been gone.
December 24, 2019 – It’s been a long road back from my past relationship. So sorry for the lack of updates, I really, really apologize. Erin’s Movies are up! This Sunday, we start on her images. Merry Christmas as well.
November 1, 2019 – Well two days after my last update, my relationship of two years, did some pretty despicable stuff and I had to step back and heal, but she turned my world upside down for a couple of months. That will never happen again. I’m back though and updating as of now. Be careful out there, empaths. There are monsters. Ok, I’ve got to update Mona’s last pantyhose set, then on to Erin next week. I am so so sorry for the delay of updates. I will make better decisions in the future. I am mos def not trying to fix women anymore.. Mona’s last set will be up tonight.
August 4, 2019 – Hey all, I’m back from a much needed vacation. I found Erin online, and with that pouty mouth of hers, I just had to ask her if I could pay her to smell her feet. She declined that, but I did get a rather delicious barefoot and pantyhose set. She starts this weekend!
Saturday, May 11 – Mona’s library is complete. Now we take a break until the summer, when 4 new, foot models with beautiful feet are unveiled!
Wednesday, May 8 – Mona’s PH Look One images are going up as we speak! This weekend, we finish up her library with Look Two.
Saturday, May 4 – Mona’s, PH Look Two movie is going up. Next week, we finish her library with her Pantyhosed 4k Images.
Wednesday, May 1 – Mona’s “Look One” Pantyhose movie is going up as we speak! This weekend, we upload Look Two!
Saturday, April 27 – Mona’s second round of 4k barefoot images are going up right now. Next week, we start on her sheer pantyhose movies!
Wednesday, April 24 – Mona’s barefoot 4k images are going up as we speak! This weekend, we finish cataloging her feet and start on her sheer pantyhose movies next week.
Saturday, April 20 – Mona’s barefoot, Look Two movie going up right meow!
Wednesday, April 17 – Blah, been super sick, I’ll be back at it this weekend with Mona, Look Two, Barefoot!
Saturday, April 13 – Mona Barefoot, Look One going up as we speak!
Wednesday, April 10 – Look Two images going up as well! This weekend, back to movies, with her barefoot video set goes up!
Saturday, April 6 – Getting started on Mona’s 4k foot worship images. On Wed, we catch up with them, with the Look Two set going up!
Wednesday, April 3 – Uploading the Look Two movie, of worshipping Mona’s feet. This weekend, we get started on her 4k worship images.
Saturday, March 30 – Uploading Mona’s foot worship, look one movie as we speak!
Thursday, March 28 – Finishing off Everly’s library this evening. We start on Mona this weekend!
Sunday, March 24 – …Well had to get a job, lol, so this a day late update, but it is what it is. “Deeper into Worship” starting tonight!
Wednesday, March 20 – Putting up, literally hundreds of Everly’s Barefoot images, so please be patient. This weekend, we start on her “deeper into worship” segment!
Saturday, March 16 – Everly’s 4k images will be going up shortly. Happy St Patty’s day, peeps, stay safe out there.
Wednesday, March 13 – Everly’s barefoot movie, Look Two is going up early morning. It will be a late update due to the size of the 4k file. It’s rendering right now, with an estimated 3 hours to go, so.. This weekend, we start breaking down the shoot with her 4k barefoot images.
Saturday, March 9 – Uploading Everly’s first barefoot movie this evening. Her second movie is going to be much longer, as that scene is maybe 3 times the size of this one, at least in raw data.
Wednesday, March 6 – Everly’s second pantyhose set is going up this evening. This weekend, we start on her barefoot movies!
Saturday, March 2 – Getting Everly’s first Pantyhose image set up, this evening. Next Wednesday, we finish off her pantyhose image sets with her Look Two!
Wednesday, February 27 – Hey all, getting started on Look Two of Everly’s Pantyhose series this evening. The movie will be up in a bit! This weekend, we start on her 4k pantyhose images!
Saturday, February 23 – Well when we did the first outfit change, Everly opted to do the pantyhose shoot first, so we are switching things up and starting her solo content off with her pantyhose shoot. Look One, which is going up now.
Wednesday, February 20 – Everly’s second set is going up as we speak! On Sat, we continue with her 4k movies!
Saturday, February 16 – Everly’s worship images going up this afternoon. Next weekend, we’re back to her 4k movies!
Wednesday, February 13 – Part Two Worship going up this evening! This weekend, we start on her 4k images!
Saturday, February 9 – Hey peeps. Powering through it tonight! The “Deeper into Worship” page is redesigned and Anya’s image set is up. Our blonde beauty’s first movie will be up late this evening.
Friday, February 8 – I got Norovirus on Monday peeps. And I just started eating solid food today. Hence the lack of an update on Wed. I’m going to crawl back into bed right now and hope to do the update tomorrow, but I have the timer set for next Wed, just in case. Stay healthy peeps, this is horrible.
Saturday, February 2 – Hey everyone, Uploading Anya’s “Deeper into Worship” as we speak. Wed, we’ll finish her off with images and start on Everly’s first movie! A double update to keep us on schedule!
Wednesday, January 30 – Uploading Anya’s second pantyhose image set this evening. This weekend, we finish her huge set off with “Deeper into Worship”, and by next weekend, we will have the lovely lass above, live and uploading! We’ve gotten alot done this month and I hope you’re as happy as I am, with the new gear, looks and changes!
Saturday, January 26 – Anya, Pantyhosed, Look One is going up this evening. Thus making active, all of the new model pages. On Wed, we catch up with the image updates and next Saturday, Anya’s last movie, “Deeper into Worship”, goes online!
Wednesday, January 23 – Anya, barefoot is officially finished with her Look Two set, going up right now as we speak! This weekend, we get started on her Pantyhose images!
Saturday, January 19 – Anya, Pantyhosed Look Two, is going up in the next 30 minutes. The movies are getting a little longer. With Anya and the low fi versions of the movies, we’re looking at about 30 gb. of content, per model now, which is a ridiculous amount. The next week and a half, we’re going to get the images going and then finish her off with her “Deeper into Worship” in the beginning of February!
Wednesday, January 16 – Starting on Anya’s Pantyhose Movies this evening, Look One will be going up this later. Just started color correction!
Saturday, January 12 – Anya, Barefoot, Look Two, is getting edited as we speak! It will be up later this evening. On Wed, we start on her Sheer Pantyhose Movies!
Wednesday, January 9 – Double image updates today with finishing Anya’s Worship set and Doing Barefoot, Look One. One of the things that I love about the new format is that you can actually see the blood circulation from the feet of these models, change as they flex they’re pretty feet. True to life, I love it! This weekend, her “out take” 4k image set goes up, then movies for the next week and a half, hopefully going into Anya’s pantyhose set, to get ready to move on to the sassy beauty up above, Everly. ?
Saturday, January 5 – What up, what up! Getting into Anya’s Barefoot, Look One movie this evening, The first part is iphone, so you can see why I love the stellar quality of this video. The Second part is the Go Pro, again, not bad in this type of setting and lighting. It will be up later this evening. Just started editing it. On Wed, we get into images!
Friday, January 4 – 4 am, taking holiday decorations down until it’s cold again. With the morning chill of fall, 2019. The footage uploaded, was all go pro hero 7 black. Idk, I think the go pro will be a more “specialized” camera, and the iphone 10s Max will be primary. Woke up with extreme vertigo after last nights shoot. I hope that she didn’t have anything on her feet that made me sick. Ahh, the weird scenarios we have to deal with. I feel much better now, though. That was scary. So I just slept all day, basically. Hope you are all well, let’s keep movies going this weekend. I’m probably going to wind up doubling up on image updates or we’ll never get through the shitload of content I am shooting now. We’re talking, like 8+ movies per model now. Even though we’re hitting 3 genres of the discipline. Barefoot – Worship – Pantyhose, it’s still alot of content. But I’m happy about it and hope you are all as well. We’ll see how it goes.
Wednesday, January 2 – Hey all, got a shoot tonight, so it will be a late update. Working with the cutest BBW ever and her beautiful BBW feet will be a treat for all of you that have been asking about working with more chubby women. Tonight is for you!
Saturday, December 29 – Movies coming your way today! On Wednesday, we continue movies, getting into the barefoot portion of Anya’s fabulous shoot with us. In response to some of my new members. Why it takes so long to update these girls. Well I’m shooting between 70 – 80 gb of raw footage with every shoot. I don’t “do 2 movies a girl, then on to the next” or something stupid like that. I’m a lifestyle foot fetishist, and I really want to capture a shitload of content per girl, in case any of you bond with them, like I have. I mean we’re going on 1/4 Tb of content as I’m writing this. And for 13 bucks a month, holy shit you all are getting a damn good deal. Really your money’s worth and that makes me smile. I’m probably the only foot fetish site that throws up 10 – 20 gb of content per model, and that’s just another thing that sets me apart. So that’s the 411 on that, peeps! I’ll also be throwing up Archive links on all of the new 4k pages as well, so it’s not as confusing, lol.
Saturday, December 22 – Hey everyone, a lightlish update this evening. I feel relatively caught up and so Anya’s Worship set, Look One 4k images are going up this evening. You will notice how much sharper the images are from the 30 fps footage. Win/win for all of us! To start filling out the pages for my new 4k library. I do wish everyone a Very Merry Christmas and i’ll be back this time next week, where we’ll be switching back to movies for updates!
Friday, December 21 – OMG guys, the shoot last night was fantastic. And this chicks feet are some of the stinkiest that I’ve been blessed to worship in awhile. I know I said I was going to put a teaser of her up, last night after the shoot, but I’m getting old, haha. I literally ate, smoked a bowl, played some Prey and went to bed. And I still have her essence on my face. The smell has “no shit” changed about 5 times and now it’s completely different now that I’ve beat off like 3 times to her and just woke up. So I’m going to go to the store, take a bath and her teaser will be up in like an hour or so!
Thursday, December 20 – Ok you’ll see on the tube, right by the playback controls, a new HD button. The 1080p option is actually 4k, and the 720p option is actually 1440p. Halfway between 720 and 1080. For a good mix for those of you without a kick ass bandwidth connection. I’ll be doing this with the rest of the movies, next month,
Wednesday Night UPDATE 2 – Well redoing the logo, and it’s a 7 hour freaking render in after effects… And I’m on an i7 5k imac so idk. This sucks, new footage will be up in the morning. Gonna try and stay up and finish it before bed though.
Wednesday Night UPDATE – Ok so I am capturing using the HVEC codec and when I run it through After effects, the audio gets fucked up and does not even match with the footage. So I’m running everything through handbrake right now with a constant fps selected and that seems to have remedied the issue. Other than that, you are all going to notice that everything, pretty much is sharp and in focus now, except for extreme closeups, then there is a little bit of bokeh in the background. Also got my new Moment case for the new phone, so I’ll be using that Moment wide angle lens on the xs max for my shoot tomorrow evening with Model A! I’ll have her little teaser up tomorrow night. Late, probably after I’m done checking out her footage. She’s so fucking hot, OMG! I’m so looking forward to just gobbling her right up. I’ve been jacking off to her for like a week.
Wednesday, December 19 – So yah, super early update tonight, peeps. Actually in 2 parts. Finishing off Aurora’s library right now and will be starting on Tiffany’s video with the new gear this evening. I’m sure there will be “notes” later, since this will be my first time editing with the new iphone xs max and the go pro hero 7 black. Pretty excited!
Saturday, December 15 – Putting up the last iphone 8+ movie today. Ahhh, RIP Screen Flicker. There is a smidge in the new iPhone XS Max, but no near the silliness that the iPhone 8 + had. I’m glad I skipped 2 generations before upgrading, as you will see here shortly. In addition, Aurora’s 4k Pantyhose images for Look One are also going up as we speak. On Wednesday, I’ll be finishing the Aurora library with her last Pantyhose image set and Starting on Tiffany… YAY! You’ll be able to see the new gear and new looks in action! It’s been a long time coming, peeps!
Wednesday, December 12 – Late update this evening, and I’ve been working on this one for the better part of the evening. Aurora, Look Two, Pantyhosed, going up right now. This weekend, i’ll have her Pantyhosed iPhone footage up as well as the images for Look One.
Update December 8 – I have so many delicious foot models coming down the pipe, I just couldn’t take it, so I posted headshots of all of them, up to the right under “Upcoming Feet”. I will literally take the “Pepsi challenge” with my girls, against any other foot site out there!
Saturday, December 8 – Hey all, I’m going to bundle all of Aurora’s Barefoot images into one set and the third barefoot movie of hers, I am going to put that movie link on her second set. I just think it’s counter productive to do a dedicated page for a 4 minute movie. Her pantyhose movie will be up later tonight, but getting started on her images right meow!
Wednesday, December 5 – Uploading two movies tonight. The first is Look Two of Aurora in 1080p and the second is just a little snippet of her barefoot in 4k! This weekend, her HD Barefoot Images from her posing in 1080p and a new pantyhose movie!
Saturday, December 1 – Hey everyone, so this is how my day is going to go. Get stoned, play some Prey, re-skin Series Two, throw up the last part of Aurora’s Barefoot Images, get one of her iphone videos up and take it from there. On Wed, Series 3 will be re-skinned and we’ll be on Aurora’s pantyhose movies!
As far as the movies, for Series 4, I have retired some looks. The models taking their shoes off and posing at the corner of the couch is done, replaced with all of that footage, now on an elevated stool, on a much better angle. Worship is different looks, as well as about 1/2 of the old barefoot and ph looks are retired. I think you’ll love the new looks, as you’ll see next month.
Series 4 Update – Lots and lots of changes, so let’s get started going over them…Navigation updated. (All past shoots are now archived), “in page favicons” updated, image thumbnails correctly size now, color schemes updated, new website skinned, scene thumbnails now correctly size, “Membership Support” updated, F.A.Q.’s updated, Membership tube re-skinned and Multiple movie streaming formats implemented.
As far as the movies, for Series 4, I have retired some looks. The models taking their shoes off and posing at the corner of the couch is done, replaced with all of that footage, now on an elevated stool, on a much better angle. Worship is different looks, as well as about 1/2 of the old barefoot and ph looks are retired. I think you’ll love the new looks, as you’ll see next month.
Wednesday, November 28 – Fuck Yes! The teaser up above is what was shot like 15 hours ago. Notice how smooth the motion is. How everything is perfectly sharp and in focus.. And the color! Wow! HDR in UHD! That’s because everything is now 60 fps instead of 29.97 fps, thus starts Series 4! Woot! Alot earlier than expected to be honest. I was going to upgrade everything next year. But fuck it. I have such pretty models coming up. Tiffany looks ridiculous! I love her tattoos.
So this is what’s going to happen, starting today. I’m going to go ahead and start redesign this evening. Going to redesign every update day until we’re ready to go. I’m changing the interface on the model pages of Series 4, so redesign is something that can’t wait, unfortunately. Also coming with the update, I’m offering lower resolution viewing. Finally! I know. So I’m going to be converting a crapload of video. Keep in mind that this members area has over 140 pages. I gotta go through all of them manually. So what’s not done after Aurora is up, I will spend full update days working on the conversion until complete. Tiffany will still start going up in December, but it will be right around Christmas. You’re all going to love the new interface and Shooting everything in 4k, 60fps, makes us one of like 3 hd foot fetish sites to offer this kind of “next level shit” quality. I want you all to be able to see my models pores in Ultra High Definition. Fetish Quality. Ok, throwing up Aurora’s barefoot images this evening! You will start seeing interface changes as of now. Redesign starts at Series One, so I’ll be working my way up!
Saturday, November 24 – Another movie night peeps! Aurora’s first barefoot movie is going up as we speak. Next update, we start on her 1080p images!
Friday, November 23 – So I just also got the new iphone xs max and I freaking love it! Super freaking impressed with the auto focus, and the video has much better performance in low light. You know what, with this shoot with Tiffany on Tuesday, I’m going to use the go pro and the new phone exclusively. And kick off Series 4 with 60 fps, after Aurora is up. I have so much more freedom with the go pro. And the iphone performs quite better than my old G7. Although for clarity, I’m going to use the g7 for closeups of her feet. For everything else, it will be the go pro and the iphone. The go pro’s only weakness so far is that it sucks for POV. The iphone doesn’t, but I am still waiting for my moment lens mount. So I might do some wide angle stuff on the panasonic as well. I’m doing all of this so my image pulls for the video are just clear. I also would prefer that everything in shot is crisp and clear, from here going forward. My girls are pretty, and I want you able to see them, during the shoot, not all blurred out. Facial expressions, smiles and all that, you know.
Wednesday, November 24 – Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! For some reason, the foot worship with Aurora was set to 1080p at 60fps. So the resolution is different. I will see you all this weekend, for starting Aurora’s barefoot video!
Saturday, November 17 – Ok, I just got the Go Pro Hero 7 Black. This is going to be fucking awesome! I have Tiffany coming back for her second shoot at the end of this month and ALSO ordered the iPhone XS Max. I just cannot afford to throw down 3.5k on the Panasonic GH5 and prime lenses right now, so I’m improvising. Flip side, all video from Tiffany onward will be 4k 60fps. I hate the pixelation in the image grabs sometimes, and 60 fps will remedy that problem quite nicely. I always have the Panasonic G7 to fall back on, if all else fails, but I think these 2 new devices might just work. So i’ll be launching Series 4, which will be @ 4k @ 60fps, by the end of the year. I’m very impressed with the go pro thus far. Anyhoo, say goodbye to Veronica, as her 4k images that are going up later tonight, will be the conclusion of her set! New model Aurora will start going up next week!
Wednesday, November 14 – Thanksgiving is next week, but fuck it, holiday decorations are going up! I’ll have the tube re-skinned on Saturday. Figured I’d spare you the “full effect” right now, lolol. Veronica’s 4k Pantyhose Images start tonight!
Saturday, November 10 – Eh, I’m in a movie making mood tonight, so let’s just finish Veronica’s 4k movies with her 4k iphone pantyhose movie. It’s going up right now, and we’ll pick up on the images on Wednesday!
Wednesday, November 7 – Editing Veronica’s Pantyhose Look Two, right now, it will be up in a bit. This weekend, we get started on her 4k images!
Saturday, November 3 – Veronica’s first Pantyhose movie, going up as we speak. If you’re into pantyhosed ass, I highly recommend this one. Next week, we get into her 4k Pantyhose Images!
Thursday, November 1 – Hey all, just upgraded the Membership Tube, where you can now manipulate the playback speed, including slow motion! It’s the clock icon, to the left of the fullscreen icon on the bottom right hand side of the video player. Have no idea where the playback icon went, but will fix that by the weekend. For now, just click anywhere in the video player to start streaming. Enjoy it!
October 2018
Wednesday, October 31 – Happy Halloween Everyone! See you all Saturday when we get into Veronica’s Sheer Pantyhose Library!
Saturday, October 27 – Having some technical issues with the iphone footage, re rendering again, it will be up in the next 2 hours! Rendered it at 29.97 fps instead of 60 fps.
Wednesday, October 24 – Finishing Veronica’s barefoot sets this evening. Sat, we get into her 4k iphone footage!
Saturday, October 20 – Uploading Look One of Veronica, right meow! Next week, we get finish off her Barefoot sets and move on to her 4k Pantyhose content!
Wednesday, October 17 – It’s double movie night here, since I couldn’t update on Saturday. All Veronica, all barefoot, uploading in a few!
Monday, October 15 – So sorry about missing Saturday’s update. I was invited to perform for a fetish event, and since I haven’t went out in like a year, I went way too hard on the booze and got myself a good case of alcohol poisoning. I’m on the mend and will not miss Wednesday’s update, but for now, I’m taking it easy, so I can heal and stop puking. Also being able to eat would be good. Special thanks to those who emailed me to make sure I was ok. That was awesome!
Wednesday, October 10 – Veronica’s worship image set has been up for a couple of hours, but now it’s official, haha. On Sat, we continue with her 4k movies!
Saturday, October 6 – Got a big movie uploading right now, of Veronica getting her pretty feet worshipped. She’s a size 5.5, just super small. Almost 20 minutes, meaning that the file is pretty huge. Please mail me if you have any problems watching it. It will be viewable in the next 20 minutes!
Wednesday, October 3 – Finishing Holly this evening with her iphone movie and her second barefoot 4k image set. Also up top, say hi to Crystal. She’s extremely pretty, you’re all going to dig her. This weekend, we start on Veronica!
September 2018
Wednesday, September 29 – The rest of Holly’s 4k video goes up this evening! Sorry for the super late update, but it’s a double update with Holly’s image sets, all going up this early morning. On Wed, we finish her off with her iphone footage and her last 4k image set.
Saturday, September 22 – Holly Barefoot Movie number one is going up today. I’m also running out of time to get my hot gothic foot model up by halloween, so I’m also uploading the first movie of the iphone footage I shot of Holly, this evening as well. So two movies by this evening, woot! I also have a survey going, please vote on it, since you’re a member and these changes affect you! Spanks! Edit – Scratch the iphone footage, the worship video is blurry as hell..
Wednesday, September 19 – Holly’s worship set going up tonight, this weekend, we get into her barefoot content!
Saturday, September 15 – Hey everyone, in the process of editing Holly’s foot worship movie, which will be up in the next couple of hours. Wed, we’ll get started on her 4k images to this set!
Wednesday, September 12 – Hi everybody, finishing up Tehray this evening and getting started on Holly on Sat! Thoughts and prayers for the Carolina’s this evening.
Saturday, September 8 – Hey everyone, I have two of Tehray’s “deeper into worship” movies uploading this evening. All of them. On Wed, i’ll be finishing Tehray, with the “deeper into worship” image set. Next weekend, we start on Holly!
Wednesday, September 5 – Hey everyone, I am putting together Tehray’s iPhone footage for her pantyhose set. That’s going up tonight! This weekend, more iPhone footage of “Deeper into worship”, as well as the Panasonic footage of the same set. And then next week, we finish Tehray with the images of that set and move on to Holly next weekend! That’s the plan folks! This movie will be a late update as well btw. See you all this weekend!
August 2018
Wednesday, August 29 – Uploading the Full Tehray Pantyhose movie this evening, almost 20 minutes of her beautiful pantyhosed feet in a variety of poses. This weekend, we get started on her 4k Pantyhose image library!
Saturday, August 25 – Uploading Tehray’s second look image page, this evening for her 2018 set, as well as uploading a new iphone movie of the set! Next week, we start on her Sheer Pantyhose content!
Wednesday, August 22 – God, what a day. I have a big movie coming up though. We end Tehray’s Barefoot content with this one, and move on to her Pantyhose content next week, with her image update this weekend!
Saturday, August 18 – Omg, I’m fighting a bitch of a cold, but my plan is to take another nap, watch the game and get this image library going. So tonight will be a late update.
Wednesday, August 15 – Hey everyone, the iphone footage looks actually, freaking amazing! I’ll have that up in a couple of hours. This weekend, 2 new image sets and new model pages!
Saturday, August 11 – Hey fellow footies. I’m uploading 3 new movies today. First one, I’m doing a black and white of Tehray’s feet off of the movie I last put up. The second will be new “Wednesday Addams” footage on the Panasonic and the other on the iphone 8+ . The first iphone 8+ footage ever will be on here tonight, so pretty excited about that. That being said, the Panasonic is 29.97 fps and the iphone 8+ is 60 fps, all 4k. Now for some reason, some of the mobile movies are upside down and so I need to flip them and do a good amount of color correction on it, so that’s gonna suck, lol. So yah, I’ll just be playing fallout and doing movies all night, haha. Tehray also makes a fucking ridiculous Wednesday Addams, btw, Holy crap! EDIT – 7 hours later and it’s going to be Wed before the iphone movie is up. I updated this page 6 hours ago :/.
Wednesday, August 8 – Hola. Tonight, Image updates, with Tehray in the “Foot Worship” library! This weekend, we finish catching up on images then on to more movies! EDIT– Fuck it, I’m gonna throw both of them up. We got so much damn video to go through, turning the volume up a little bit.
Saturday, August 4 – Hey all, keeping with the movie motif, finishing off Tehray’s worship series, worship and solo movie wise. Next week will be putting up her two pages!
Wednesday, August 1 – Hey everyone, uploading Tehray Worship, Look Two as we speak! As you can see up above, moving on to Holly revisited, next month. All new models after that, and January 1, hopefully, I’ll have my GH-5 and prime lens, and kick the volume way up, moving into 4k 60fps territory. And because I pull the images from the video itself, this upgrade has just been a long time coming!
July 2018
Saturday, July 28 – The corresponding image set and page for Tehray’s first foot worship movie are going up later this afternoon. Hope everyone is having a great Sat.
Wednesday, July 25 – New Tehray going up this evening. I had a couple of color issues, but all worked out, so encoding her movie right now. This weekend, we get into her 4k images. She is a long update, but one of my most requested models. So we’ll be moving on from her, sometime in September!
Saturday, July 21 – Finishing off Hope’s library this late evening with her 4k images of her last pantyhose set. Wednesday, updated Tehray begins!!
Wednesday, July 18 – Hey everyone, I’m uploading Lauren’s final 4k movie as we speak. This weekend, we finish off her set with her 4k image and model page then on to Tehray!
Saturday, July 14 – You are going to love the new tube! Bigger previews, the framework runs 30 percent faster and now, full screen! Also uploading and finishing out Hope’s pantyhose movie and corresponding 4k image set, this weekend.
Wednesday, July 11 – Fixed!
Sunday, July 8 – …So yeah, I can’t edit my tube until this stupid issue is resolved. So it will be a big update on Wed!
Saturday, July 7 – Hey everyone, finishing out Lauren’s Barefoot footage this evening and putting up an image gallery tomorrow! My tube theme is also fucked right now, I am hoping to have this resolved by Monday night. Sorry for the inconvenience.
June 2018
Wednesday, June 20 – Hey all, got about an hour of Kellie 4k movies going up tonight. And that’s not even counting her Pantyhose or “Deeper into Worship” sets. God help me, lol. Getting my new computer on Friday… Thank Gawd, it’s been too long. So depending on set up time, will depend on any updates this weekend, since I’m technically on vacation. Enjoy this monster update! It will be up later this evening!
Saturday, June 16 – Still sick as a dog, moving Kelly’s Movie uploads to Wed.
Wednesday, June 13 – I’ve been sick as a dog since Monday, so just now getting to Cj’s image sets. I will get as much done as I can today, and finish the rest tomorrow. I’ll have a good amount of Kristen’s movies up this weekend and I’m taking next week off, because I am burnt out. I’ll never do a consolidation/remaster like this again, by myself, haha. I’ve learned my lesson, there is just too much content here for one guy to go through, at the end of the day.
Saturday, June 9 – OMG it’s fucking HOT outside. Sweat, it’s all I think about right now. So many delicious women about. Feet everywhere! And we keep awn chuggin’. A crapload of new video late tonight and done by morning. Literally 4 – 5 movies, maybe an hour of new footage. I’ll have images up in the next couple of days. Cj is one of my biggest updates in awhile. I shot a crapload of footage. So enjoy! See you all in a couple of days.
Wednesday, June 6 – Multiple Cj movies are uploading right now. There will be image sets also coming and whatever I don’t finish tonight, i’ll have done by tomorrow. This weekend, we finish Cj’s library and move on to our current model, Kellie! I’m going to throw up the first part of her set, then updates will start as normal. I’ll be taking a week off as well. I’ve been doing triple updates for 6 months, lol.
Friday, June 1 – We will be caught up this month. Actually next weekend, God willing. Updates will still be twice a week, but I will not be releasing near as much content every week. There will still be alot of content per update, full length movies and hundreds of new 4k images per week, but I know I have spoiled some of you this past couple of months. So that’s my disclaimer, lol.
May 2018
Wednesday, May 30 – Two more movies of Evie right now and another on the way around 3 a.m. to finish off her 4k Barefoot and Pantyhose movies. Tomorrow, her 4k image sets go up and we will be starting on Cj this weekend!
Saturday, May 26 – Sorry about the late update, but Memorial Day and everything. Ok, Evie Max movies are going up in like 4 hours. Two of them. I’ll be finishing her up on Wednesday and moving on to Cj the Model! WOOT!
Wednesday, May 23 – Oh don’t mind me, just putting the whole Brianna Blu library up today as well with 3/4 of an hour of brand spanking new 4k video and oh, around 400 4k images to boot. Whew! Hopefully we’ll do the same with Evie Max this Saturday!
Saturday, May 19 – Finishing Allison’s library today, with her pantyhose movie and corresponding images. Also transferring Amber’s old iphone footage to the iphone library, so check that out as well. You all are so spoiled! I am uploading a shitload of content trying to catch up, so I can get this site caught up! Enjoy the HUGE updates! Getting started on this now and will probably finish this off this evening when I wake up. Next week, it’s all about Adult Actress Brianna Blu! 3 more girls to go, until we are completely caught up! Yay! It’s been a long road, when I started this site, way back in December. When I’m done, I’m taking a week off, just sayin’.
Wednesday, May 16 – Welcome the week of Allison! I will have 3, hopefully 4 of her movies up late this evening. And I’ll have all of those images up tomorrow, God Willing. So Saturdays update will be her Remastered Pantyhose library, then off to Brianna Blu, starting next week.
Saturday, May 12 – Tehray’s Pantyhose movies are up! Tomorrow, probably, I will be doing corresponding image sets. Next week, Allison!
Wednesday, May 9 – 3 new 4k movies uploading tonight. Looks like we’ll be starting on Allison next week, since I forgot about the two different foot fetish shoots. Making Tehray, very well documented with us.
Saturday, May 5 – Generating all of Tehray’s galleries sans her pantyhose, this early morning. Those will be up, as well as starting on Allison next week. Any extra time this weekend will be getting the front end caught up on shoots. That being said, my price of admission is going up to 15 bucks a month, since 4k content is coming online. So if you dig this concept and want to save 2.5 bucks, better renew before Monday.
Wednesday, May 2 – Uploading 3 – 4 4k movies of Tehray this evening, everything but the pantyhose sets that she has. At this point, I’m only uploading about 1.2 girls a week, building libraries, etc, and that’s with me doing this 8 – 10 hours a day. (each video render is 4-6 hours long :/ So that being said, I will be a little late getting to the current content. But I will continue to power through this!
April 2018
Thursday, April 28 – And with today, Autumn’s library will be complete with her pantyhose libraries being finished today. Whew! On Wed, Tehray and her beautiful feet will be landing here with us!
Thursday, April 26 – Ok starting Autumn’s last movie, her in sheer pantyhose. Pray for me… Actually pray that my old mac doesn’t blow up, rendering this 4k footage ? Worst case scenario, the movie is online before I go to bed. Best case, the whole library is up before I go to bed.
Wednesday, April 25 – Last night I uploaded about 400 4k images relating to Autumn’s set. This evening, i’ll be uploading another one. Tomorrow, hopefully, i’ll have her pantyhose library up, so we can start moving on to Tehray. Until I’m caught up, there will just be a shitload of new 4k feet going up throughout the week. I figure that I’m about 3 weeks away from being caught up.
Sunday, April 22 – Well instead of images, I just uploaded another 4k movie of Autumn’s Beautiful Feet! Enjoy until Wednesday.
Saturday, April 21 – I’ve uploaded two new 4k movies of some hot Autumn, foot worship. Her corresponding images will be up tomorrow night.
Wednesday, April 18 – Trying to encode 4k movies on a 2.9 ghz imac thats 6 years old, fucking sucks… I’m definitely getting a new one this summer. That said, I have Vi Fraxinous done, she was my first 4k model and I’m going to start Autumn tonight and have both of the libraries of these girls up by Saturday night. That’s the plan. It will take another 3 weeks to get this site where the updates of the other sites were. At 2 new libraries < (models movies, corresponding image sets and zips) a week until I’m caught up to Kelly! I also have 6 other foot models already shot and will start those updates when I’m caught up! Also update schedule from here on out will be every Wed and Sat, FYI.
Saturday, April 14 – On to 4k! Thank God, I’ve been working on the archive movies since December! 8 more beautiful foot babes to go until we’re current and we start this tomorrow!
Building the Website
Saturday, March 31, 2018 – Alice’s page will be uploading this evening! 4 more models next week!
Wednesday, March 21, 2018 – Just got approved on my merchant accounts! We are live! 3-4 models a week until we are caught up!
Wednesday, December 20, 2017 – Test – Here we go!